Author: Vic Chelaru

  • Gum Now Supports SkiaSharp!

    Gum Now Supports SkiaSharp!

    SkiaSharp is a wrapper over the powerful Skia graphics engine. The latest version of FlatRedBall adds support for rendering Skia objects efficiently in your game. The current implementation of Skia provides a number of new primitives fully integrated with Gum. New Primitives and Effects The current version (as of this writing) adds support for three…

  • Solving MonoGame 3.7.1 missing on FlatRedBall Projects

    Solving MonoGame 3.7.1 missing on FlatRedBall Projects

    Recently a new version of FlatRedBall was released targeting .NET 6.0. This version has a lot of benefits as explained in a previous blog post, but it does introduce one problem for games targeting MonoGame 3.7.1. You may notice an error that says Could not load the project <project location> because MonoGame 3.7.1 files are…

  • FlatRedBall Moves to .NET 6 and Much More!

    FlatRedBall Moves to .NET 6 and Much More!

    FlatRedBall is now making a big upgrade to .NET and MonoGame 3.8.1. This means the FlatRedBall Editor (aka Glue) and new game projects are on .NET 6. This upgrade brings along a lot of changes to FlatRedBall, so let’s dive in! Note that some of the changes below require creating a new .NET 6 project…

  • How to Fix “The number of tile columns in the tileset ‘TilesetName’ appears to have changed…”

    How to Fix “The number of tile columns in the tileset ‘TilesetName’ appears to have changed…”

    FlatRedBall integrates closely with the fantastic tilemap program Tiled. If you’ve ever resized a PNG file, then you may have received a message notifying you that the number of columns in the tileset have changed. Tiled is notifying you that the tileset was originally created with a PNG which had a different size compared to…

  • New FlatRedBall Editor (Part 2)

    New FlatRedBall Editor (Part 2)

    Recently a new version of the FlatRedBall Editor (aka Glue) was released with support for embedding a game window (and support for edit mode). Today the FlatRedBall Editor has been updated with many changes to make it easier to work with. Let’s take a look at some of the changes! New Game Toolbar The Game…

  • The New FlatRedBall – The Biggest Change Yet!

    The New FlatRedBall – The Biggest Change Yet!

    The latest version of FlatRedBall brings together work from the past few months to create a new development experience. The largest of these changes is the integration of the game window. The game can be played in the FlatRedBall window, or it can be switched into edit mode to make changes to the game. Embedding the…

  • Announcing Glue Wizard

    Announcing Glue Wizard

    FlatRedBall Glue has always been a program for improving the speed of game development. The latest version includes a wizard which greatly simplifies new project setup. Previously, even as recent as a month ago, setting up a new project with levels, a player entity, collision, and tiled map files could take an experienced FlatRedBall user over…

  • Hot Reload and Improved Build in Glue

    Hot Reload and Improved Build in Glue

    One of the most common task in game development is stopping a game to make small changes, then restarting the game. Of course, doing this just one time is a fast process, but over the course of an entire game this can add up. The latest version of Glue focuses on speeding up the stop/tweak/restart cycle. This…

  • The latest monthly Teotihuacan is available

    The latest monthly Teotihuacan is available

    The latest monthly named Teotihuacan – named after the ancient city located in modern Mexico – is now available on github and through the Glue New Project creator. It is the largest starter and monthly project to date, containing many new FlatRedBall technologies for making development faster than ever. Of course, it’s also a blast to…

  • Creating Damage Over Time

    Creating Damage Over Time

    Introduction Many game types include collidable areas which deal damage over time to characters or enemies within the area. This type of behavior can be accomplished in Glue with a little setup. This post shows how to implement damage over time using standard entities. Damage Over Time vs. Simple Collision The simplest situation for damage…